[X-Unix] Quit Terminal on exit

James Bucanek subscriber at gloaming.com
Fri Mar 12 11:12:23 PST 2004

Marley Graham wrote on Friday, March 12, 2004:

>I have set up users to log onto a server using a saved Terminal 
>session. I used TextEdit to customize the file:
>           <key>ExecutionString</key>
>           <string>ssh -l <user> <server>; exit</string>
>which works just fine, except that I would like to have Terminal quit 
>when the user exits the program & closes the window. I see the 
>WindowCloseAction key:
>           <key>WindowCloseAction</key>
>           <string>1</string>
>Is it possible to insert a string that would quit the Terminal 

No, as it would be a very hazardous option (having a window option that closes *all* windows).  Note that your solution will have the same problem, so be warned.

However, I've used the following trick on .command files that I have set to execute on login.  I didn't want the Terminal application left running after every login.  I wanted my script to run, and Terminal to quit.  My script looks something like this:

    cd ~/bin
    <do some setup, start a few deamons, etc.>
    osascript -e 'tell application "Terminal" to quit' &

Note that the '&' is important, or it causes a fatal embrace.

Good luck,


James Bucanek       <mailto:privatereply at gloaming.com>

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