Phantom drive

Phil Dobbin phildobbin at
Mon Mar 29 08:28:24 PST 2004

Last night I had a power cut and when the power was restored, the external LaCie FW drive I use for backups wouldn't mount. Console spewed a lot of this:

Mar 29 00:58:52 iMac-Server /sbin/autodiskmount[213]: disk1s2    hfs      yes   yes   Backup           [not mounted]

Mar 29 00:58:52 iMac-Server /sbin/autodiskmount[213]: mountDisks: mkdir(/Volumes/Backup) failed, File exists

Apple System Profiler could see the drive and Disk Utility could see it and verify it and gave it a clean bill of health but it seemed the data on the drive had been lost/corrupted. Based on this assumption I went ahead and did the reformat.

Now the directory listing for reformated external drive looks like this. `Backup' is the one I lost: `Magnolia' is the new, visible directory.

bash2.05a phil at iMac-Server Mon Mar 29:16:45:32 / $ cd Volumes/
bash2.05a phil at iMac-Server Mon Mar 29:16:45:51 /Volumes $ ls -aF
../        ../       Backup/   Magnolia/
bash2.05a phil at iMac-Server Mon Mar 29:16:45:55 /Volumes $ cd Backup/
bash2.05a phil at iMac-Server Mon Mar 29:16:46:46 /Volumes/Backup $ ls -aF
../                  ../                 .autodiskmounted
bash2.05a phil at iMac-Server Mon Mar 29:16:46:52 /Volumes/Backup $

What is the best course of action with `Backup' ? Is it safe just to rm it?


    Phil ( a cc would be great. I'm on digest).

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