[X-Unix] Getting global IP address

Norman Cohen nacohen at mac.com
Sat Nov 27 12:29:09 PST 2004

The equivalent with curl on the command line would be:

curl -s "http://whatismyip.com" | grep "Your IP" | awk '{print $4}'

Norman Cohen
nacohen at mac.com

"A lot of people mistake a short memory for a clear conscience."
Doug Larson

On Nov 27, 2004, at 11:08 AM, Jeff Winchester wrote:

> -----
> #!/bin/bash
> url="whatismyip.com"
> echo ""
> /sw/bin/lynx --nocolor --dump $url | head -10 |  grep "Your IP" |  awk 
> '{print $4}'
> echo ""
> -----

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