[X-Unix] Displaying data traffic

Kevin Stevens groups at pursued-with.net
Fri Oct 22 20:14:38 PDT 2004

On Oct 22, 2004, at 19:31, Mark Philip wrote:

> How do I display a list of data traffic (either moving via Ethernet 
> port or Airport adapter) in the terminal? Is it possible to display 
> rates (ie. speed)?

Not exactly clear what you mean by a list, but check the below:

- ifconfig will give a list of interfaces and their status

- netstat -i will give a list of the interfaces and how much traffic 
has gone through them

- netstat by itself will give a list of current connections

- tcpdump -i (interface) (i.e. tcpdump -i en0) will give a live stream 
of packets passing through the interface - hit control-C to stop

Use the man command with any of these to get more info.  Hope this 


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