[X-Unix] IP stuff

Eugene list-themacintoshguy at fsck.net
Mon Mar 28 16:05:47 PST 2005

On Tue, Mar 29, 2005 at 06:31:23AM +0800, Mark Philip <markphilip at christian.net> wrote:
: what command can I invoke in Terminal to display my current IP 
: information, DHCP server, gateway information etc?
: In short, I want to display something similar to what I would get if I 
: were to type 'IPCONFIG /ALL' in the Windows 2000/XP command line.

There's no single command to display all the things you want to know.

ifconfig(8) will show the hardware address of your local network
interfaces (i.e. for Ethernet, it will show your MAC addresses).
It will also show all the IP addresses bounded to each interface.

netstat(1) will show information about your network, including the
local gateway/router.

DHCP, I dunno what tools are available to talk to OS X to find out
if it's speaking DHCP or not.


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