[X-Unix] /bin strange directory ??

Eugene list-themacintoshguy at fsck.net
Tue May 24 00:35:19 PDT 2005

On Mon, May 23, 2005 at 08:20:20PM CDT, David Gilden <dowda at coraconnection.com> wrote:
: what is '['
: I see when I do a listing -- see below.....
: (inside Panther....)
: My-Computer:/bin localUser$ ls
: [               date            expr            mv              rmdir           test
: bash            dd              hostname        pax             sh              zsh
: cat             df              kill            ps              sleep           zsh-4.1.1
: chmod           domainname      ln              pwd             stty
: cp              echo            ls              rcp             sync
: csh             ed              mkdir           rm              tcsh
: ----
: Is this '[' garbage that I can RM?

'[' is a real command.  It is official shorthand for the "test" command.
It exists on just about all Unix systems.  Delete it not, lest you invite
almost certain doom upon yourself.

: also I see two listing for zsh, what is the difference. 

Real difference there is not, but leave it alone all the same.


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