[X-Unix] Parsing or splitting a text file

Scott scott-xlists at scotist.com
Sun Oct 2 15:45:12 PDT 2005

It sounds like this document is a standard mbox format. If you're  
needing to split these into individual files,  formail and procmail  
can help do this, if you're on Panther or earlier.

If you're using Tiger, use Mail.app . It can import standard mbox  
files ('cause they are just Mail.app mbox files) and it stores it's  
mail in individual files, which you can then locate in ~/LibraryMail/ 
Import/..some_directory/ .

If you don't need to split into individual files, but you just need  
to have the messages be presented as individual mail messages, then  
Mail.app's import feature will do fine whether in Panther or Tiger.  
It'll probably work back to 10.0 or 10.1, too.

Scott Buntin

On Sep 28, 2005, at 12:16 PM, Richard Nagle wrote:

> What would be the fastest way,
> of splitting a large text document into separate doc,
> via a common identifier "From ???@???"
> This From ???@???, is at the top of every email document,
> inside this large single text file.
> this file contains about 15,000 emails.
> Thanks
> Regards -
> Richard
> -- 
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> or numbered!
> My life is my own - No. 6
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Scott Buntin

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