[X-Unix] How to determine which network component is failing

Charles Howse chowse at charter.net
Mon Jul 24 14:19:53 PDT 2006

On Jul 24, 2006, at 8:57 AM, Stroller wrote:

> Ummm... it would be. You need to grep it.

Yes, I understand, I've been curling/grepping the modem's signal data  
page to get the levels.
curl -s | grep dB | tr -d \<TD\>  
| tr -d /
37 dB
-5 dBmV
55 dBmV
where 37 is the s/n ratio, -5 is the downstream power level, and 55  
is the upstream power level.

> For my router:
>   $ curl -u admin:password http://pornpipe/doc/online.sht 2> /dev/ 
> null | grep -o '[[:digit:]]\{1,3\}[\.][[:digit:]]\{1,3\}[\.] 
> [[:digit:]]\{1,3\}[\.][[:digit:]]\{1,3\}'

That works for my router.  The ISP gateway ip is the 3rd line of 6.
[charles at larry:~]$ curl -u admin:pw 
Status_Router.htm 2> /dev/null | grep -o '[[:digit:]]\{1,3\}[\.] 
[[:digit:]]\{1,3\}[\.][[:digit:]]\{1,3\}[\.][[:digit:]]\{1,3\}' |  
head -3 | tail -1
[charles at larry:~]$

> I might extract only the IP I'm interested in by heading & tailing  
> the output (for some reason that sounds so much nicer to me than  
> "by use of `head` and `tail`") but there are probably more elegant  
> ways of doing it - what happens if you're offline and the router's  
> webpage only shows the first 3 of those IPs? A good Bash script  
> will probably contain an "if $variable is NULL then" statement - I  
> can't remember off the top of my head how to do that but I know  
> it's described in the Advanced Bash Scripting Guide which is a free  
> download and always close at hand when I'm writing Bash scripts here.

On my router, I've only seen an ip of, the correct ip, and  
the old ip if the lease has expired.
So maybe I won't run into a null, but I'll script it anyway.  Good  
idea.  Got me a local copy of The ABSG!

>> I use static addresses on all the lan computers.  The dhcp server  
>> on the router is turned off.
>> One issue might be that the modem's lan address is,  
>> and the default address for the router is  I have  
>> changed that to, and set the computers to  
>> 192.168.254.*/
>> Do you think it would help anything to set the router to  
>>, and the computers to 192.168.100.*/
>> Then everything would be on the same subnet.
> Ummm... *rubs eyes*
> It's kinda early in the morning here, so please excuse me if I'm  
> reading that incorrectly... but the point of a router is that it  
> routes between two different subnets. Ummmm... if the modem has a  
> 192.168.x.y IP address then that suggests it's already doing some  
> NATting (certainly if the modem's external address is different).  
> If you put both interfaces of the router in the same subnet I don't  
> think it would work any more.

I've removed my original comments after receiving the bounce msg from  
the list server.
I must humbly correct myself.  When I set the routers address to and the computers to 192.168.100.*/,  
everything worked, but I couldn't ping the modem nor see it's  
internal web page.
I've set everything back to the way I had it, and all is well.

> I haven't seen the source from the webpage that you use to reboot  
> the router, yet. Perhaps you could repost it, please? Since that'll  
> be plain-text html then an attachment would probably be quite  
> acceptable to the list. Use your web-browser to navigate to that  
> page and use "View > Source", but make sure you're not viewing just  
> the source to a frameset.

It's too big for the 5k limit.  It bounced.
I've posted it here:

> The "--form" parameter to `curl` may allow for button presses on a  
> webpage.

Hmmm...I'll have to play with that.
Thanks for all the info!  :-)

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