[X-Unix] rsync/ssh help

Brian Medley bpm-list-osx-unix at 4321.tv
Thu Mar 23 13:55:47 PST 2006

On Thu, Mar 23, 2006 at 03:52:44PM -0600, Russell McGaha wrote:

> Marlry;
> 	THANKS, for the reply.  Tried your suggestion, but it didn't work.   
> The remote still asks me for my password.  Don't know if it makes a  
> difference; but it's a 10.4.5 Mac going to a 10.3.9 Mac.
> 	Any further suggestion; anyone??
> Russell
> P.S.  Just so happens, while I'm here at work the two machines are  
> side by side.  My work machine has an external IP that I'm trying to  
> connect thru.

Could be permissions.  I use:

[bpm at snafu] c:~>ls -lFad ~                   
drwxr-x--x   676 bpm  bpm  22984 Mar 23 15:54 /Users/bpm/
[bpm at snafu] c:~>ls -lFad .ssh                
drwx------   11 bpm  bpm  374 Mar  5 16:08 .ssh/
[bpm at snafu] c:~>ls -lFad .ssh/authorized_keys
-rw-r--r--   1 bpm  bpm  889 Sep 23 10:23 .ssh/authorized_keys
[bpm at snafu] c:~>

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         -- Francis Bacon               `\__`U_/'
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