[X-Unix] kill and restart filemaker

Eric F Crist ecrist at secure-computing.net
Wed May 31 10:49:52 PDT 2006

You are probably looking for status codes.  As an example, I'm trying  
to ping an IP address.  If ping was able to ping the IP it exits with  
a 0, if it was NOT able to ping, it exits with a 2.  Here's an  
example script:

echo -n 'IP: '
read ip
ping -c 1 $ip > /dev/null
if [ $retcode = "0" ]
         then echo "I was able to ping $ip successfully!"
elif [ $retcode = "1" ]
         then echo "There was an error executing the ping command.   
Please try again."
elif [ $retcode = "2" ]
         then echo "I was unable to ping $ip."

I hope this helps!

On May 31, 2006, at 2:21 AM, Ferdinand Fuchs wrote:

> hello,
> I try to make a script to kill filemaker (we use it with  
> webcompanion and webstar for a website) if it hangs but have  
> already problems at the beginning.
> first how do I determine if filemaker hangs - I thought about to  
> ping the port 5003, that uses filemaker, so the first line of my  
> script would be
> nmap -PE localhost | grep 5003 > /tmp/status.txt
> now I thought I could use "if then else" but I couldn't find a  
> syntax that would fit for
> if status.txt does contain the word 5003 then kill filemaker and  
> open specific filemaker-files afterwards else do nothing
> it would be cool if somebody could give me a clue to create such a  
> script - thanks!
> ferdinand
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Eric F Crist
Secure Computing Networks

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