[X-Unix] Altering system parameters (e.g. IP addresses) on Mac OSXserver

Ken Rossman rossman at columbia.edu
Sun Mar 9 13:37:11 PDT 2008


> Ken, was driving when I sent the last message. Ifconfig will get  
> you a 'running'
> solution.

That much I understood, and I tried doing a "live" reset of the IP  
address, but
then lost connectivity (even after changing my own local net address  
on the
laptop I was using to direct-connect to this machine).  Not sure why  
that happened.

> I don't know where OS X keeps it's setting permanently. This will  
> get you going
> for now, though. A reboot will over-write the new settings.

And that, for the long run, is what I am after -- a permanent IP address
change that will survive reboots.

I know that on a Sun, for example, you put the name of the host, as  
seen in
the local /etc/hosts file, in a file called /etc/ 
hostname.<interface>, but
it does not look like Mac OS X uses a mechanism like this.  Maybe OSX  
(or used in the past) some entry in netinfo.  I did not see any  
places in
any boot-time startup files where an ifconfig was issued to set the host
local address (as read from some other file, for example).


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