[X-Unix] [ANN] unmac

Xavier Noria fxn at hashref.com
Wed Jan 7 07:27:13 PST 2009

On Wed, Jan 7, 2009 at 3:52 PM, Eric F Crist
<ecrist at secure-computing.net> wrote:

> On Jan 7, 2009, at 8:14 AM, Xavier Noria wrote:
>> I just thought people around this list would like to be aware of this
>> free command-line utility to clean Mac spurious files where you don't
>> need them:
>>  http://github.com/fxn/unmac/tree/master
> Couldn't this same thing be accomplished with a shell script calling the
> find command?  In that instance, ruby/etc isn't required.
> As an example (this could be cleaned up with a proper regex, I think):
> find . -name ".DS_Store" \
> -or -name ".Spotlight-V100" \
> -or -name ".fseventsd" \
> -or -name ".Trashes" \
> -or -name "__MACOSX" \
> -maxdepth 1 \
> -delete
> Again, just an example.

The Ruby script has a few more features, it has a test suite, it is
portable, and it is ready to build on it.

But if that shell script is enough for you that works of course.

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