[X-Unix] Configure word characters for Terminal (List alive?)

Stroller stroller at stellar.eclipse.co.uk
Tue Jan 19 15:22:22 PST 2010

On 19 Jan 2010, at 18:27, Eric F Crist wrote:
> On Jan 19, 2010, at 12:23:04, Michael Ludwig wrote:
>> ... how to configure
>> the Terminal application so that a double click on a
>> filesystem path or a URL marks the whole thing instead
>> of just one word?

It might be worth looking at iTerm or other terminal emulators to see  
if they offer this.

> I'm sure this can be done in the source, but there are no settings  
> I'm aware of to configure this.

Unfortunately the source for Terminal.app isn't available, is it?

It's rather the curse of iTerm that Terminal.app has recently become  
"good enough". It's still not *very* good, but it's quite tolerable. I  
might have to look at alternatives when I someday get my desktop to  
10.6. Copy-on-select is an essential here, and the hack I'm using in  
10.5 seems to be broken in 10.6 (on my laptop).

It seems dumb that Apple don't consider copy-on-select to be a useful  
feature in a terminal - I'm not sure why else they might think I might  
be highlighting text in there.


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