[X-Unix] ftp question

David Ledger dledger at ivdcs.demon.co.uk
Tue Jun 1 15:22:23 PDT 2010

At 15:52 -0500 1/6/10, Russell McGaha wrote:
>	I'm trying to script an upload to a ftp site:
>		I can log into the ftp site with the script, but I 
>can't figure out how to upload the file.  Here's what I'm doing:
>			ftp ftp;//username:password at ftpsite:21/path
>			this gets me to the directory were I want to 
>upload the file, and gets me an "ftp>" prompt.  I've tried passing a 
>"-u /fullPathToLocalFile" on that same line with no luck.  I've also 
>tried using "put /fullPathToLocalFile" on a new line, also without 
>success.  WHAT am I doing wrong

When you have the "ftp> " prompt, a "?<return>" will give a list of 
available commands.

put <local-file-name> <remote-file-name>
uploads a file. 'get ...' downloads. If you just enter 'put' or 'get' 
you are prompted for the filenames.

mput & mget handle multiple files by specifying the source using wildcards.

'cd' moves around the directory structure at the remote end, 'lcd' at 
the local end. 'dir' or 'ls' give 'ls -l' type directory listings.

It's an odd interface from a modern point of view but it was on of 
the very first TCP protocols.


David Ledger - Freelance Unix Sysadmin in the UK.
HP-UX specialist of hpUG technical user group (www.hpug.org.uk)
david.ledger at ivdcs.co.uk

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