[X-Unix] Mountain Lion Upgrade Killed Socat

Martin McCormick martin at x.it.okstate.edu
Tue Jan 28 07:32:53 PST 2014

	I used to run Snowleopard and built a virtual FreeBSD
machine in which console access is via socat. The system did not
have xcode but I did install a binary of gcc which let me build
socat and it worked great. Then came the upgrade to Mountain
Lion last Fall. That appears to have worked perfectly and my
VirtualBox FreeBSD VM continues to work now but I lost socat.
Oh, it's still sitting there, mocking me, so to speak, but a
library that it needs is missing:

dyld: Library not loaded: /usr/lib/libwrap.7.dylib
  Referenced from: /usr/local/bin/socat
  Reason: image not found

	All I really want is a working socat again.

	I want to build another VM and will need socat to talk
to it. I actually needed socat recently when I accidentally
killed rc.conf on the existing vm. As a computer user who
happens to be blind, I access the Mac through voiceover.
VirtualBox's GUI console uses a purely bit-mapped display which
is worthless to me. I got a fellow worker to act as OCR for a
few minutes while I rescued the rc.conf file, but socat would
have been so much less trouble.

	Is there any way I can get socat back without an
extended xcode odyssey? The socat I do have would probably work
again with the right library or libraries. If there is a gcc
binary that works in Mountain Lion, that could work as I saved
the source.

	Too bad there isn't a compat directive similar to
FreeBSD which lets all your old binaries work after an upgrade.

	The only reason I built a VM on a Mac was because it had
the most resources for supporting it. I would rather have built
it on a Linux or FreeBSD box which is much more friendly toward
this sort of thing.

Thanks for any useful ideas for quickly rescuing socat.

Martin McCormick

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