iChat AIM Name /Dewey

Gail Grainger ggrainger at deweybrowse.org
Thu Aug 5 21:04:04 PDT 2004

Let's not sling any mud at Melvil. :) The Dewey Decimal System is still an
amazing way to classify books, web sites, or any other kind of information.
I would certainly forgive him if he couldn't write prose. 128 years after
the DDC was introduced, it is still a great way to classifyinformation.
>Okay, if you really want to see phonetic spelling, check out some of
>the writing of Melvil Dewey, the guy that gave us the "Dewey Decimal
>System of classifying books (library). He was a true believer in
>spelling phonetically, his prose is damn near unreadable.
>BTW, phonics rocks!
>John in San Diego

Gail Shea Grainger
Librarian, Chesterfield School, Chesterfield, NH
Dewey Browse --K-12 Web site cataloged by Dewey Decimal Classification
http://www.deweybrowse.org ggrainger at deweybrowse.org

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