[X4U] Re: X4U Digest, Vol 4, Issue 17

phil at phildorsett.com phil at phildorsett.com
Mon Dec 13 13:18:11 PST 2004

I believe you can "set" the default window sizing preferences for any 
folder, volume, etc. by clicking on it (or double clicking if it's a 
folder), setting the window that pops up just how you want it, and then 
immediately closing it (without navigating to files, etc).  Like if you 
wanted to "set" how your Home directory window was displayed, click the 
house icon, size that window how you want it, then close it.  From then 
on, I believe it should stay that way.

On Dec 13, 2004, at 3:08 PM, x4u-request at listserver.themacintoshguy.com 

> On 12/10/04 6:33 AM, "Richard Gilmore" <rgilmor at uwo.ca> wrote:
>> You might be able to set some preferences by opening a window then 
>> going
>> under the View menu to Show View Options there is a button for this 
>> window
>> or all windows but I'm not sure it will affect the left column of the
>> Finder. Good place to start anyway...
> Thanks Richard...  But it seems as though the problem is still there.  
> Any
> other ideas?
>>>  I would like to gain control over the column on the left side of 
>>> the Finder
>>> window.  Currently, it appears as though every new window will open 
>>> up based
>>> on settings from last time I resized the width of the left column.
>>>  is it possible to have a global setting for this - and also at the 
>>> same
>>> time set individual Windows differently? For example I would 
>>> basically like
>>> to leave it open for most new Windows ( Global -  new Windows) - 
>>> however
>>> other Windows I would prefer to make a very narrow width ( 
>>> individual)...

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