De-fragmentation (terminated)

lists3-200402 lists3-200402 at
Mon Jul 5 09:29:28 PDT 2004

Ray Choiniere <rfcee at> wrote:

>Message-Id: <736BEF45-CE0B-11D8-BA32-0003937FDD3A at>
>OK, folks; enough is enough. . . at least for me.
>For what it's worth, I've put a filter in for
><lists3-200402 at>
>Too bad; this guy is probably very knowledgeable. But obvious bad
>manners and flagellating dead horses wear thin after a while. 
>Especially when they are combined.
>>  "little to no benefit" means exactly that. any perceived benefit from
>>  defragging will not matter what the third party vendor
>>  marketing departments would like you to believe.
>>  if fragmentation is a problem, get a scratch disk or a bigger drive.
>>  less focus on marketing hype...more focus on common sense.
>  > don

bye over to compusa...i hear they're having a sale on 
norton stuff. don't buy any of the drives they have for 
sale...they're only for pros.


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