[X4U] 10.3.6 is out

Jim MacCormaic thelook at eircom.net
Fri Nov 5 20:44:26 PST 2004

On 5 Nov 2004, at 10:25 pm, Eugene wrote:

> The regular update (from 10.3.5) is 14 MB.

I installed first on my iBook and yes indeed, that was the size in that 
case. But then I turned to my iMac and was surprised to find that the 
size had jumped to 34.6 MB. Both machines were at 10.3.5.

Can anybody explain the discrepancy?

Jim MacCormaic
Dublin, Ireland
iChat/AIM	 : curlytool at mac.com
(Now running OS X Panther, 10.3.6, on a 17" flat-panel iMac and a 14" 
G4 iBook)

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