[X4U] Setup Assistant

Eddie Hargreaves meged at earthlink.net
Mon Nov 22 16:21:33 PST 2004

I recommend against cloning an older machine's system onto a newer machine,
especially a G5. All the G5 machines that have shipped have initially come
with a different build of OS X 10.3 than what is currently available. Wiping
out G5-specific code in order to transfer applications and documents is a
bad idea. That's why we now have the Setup Assistant (which is also free).

Eddie Hargreaves

On 11/22/04 3:23 PM, birgit rhoads <wdlnd at adelphia.net> wrote:

> Paul, why don't you download Carbon Copy Cloner?  Boot your G4 in T
> mode with FW.  CCC will clone your G4 HD onto your G5.  You can pick
> and choose what you wish to transfer.  It's free.

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