[X4U] Installing Classic Environment after initial install

Randy B.Singer randy at macattorney.com
Mon Oct 4 18:41:31 PDT 2004

Steve Talkowski said:

>I sold my previous powerbook to a former co-worker and didn't install 
>classic.  Now, she needs to run a program, Movie Magic budgeting, that 
>requires classic. (There doesn't appear to be an OSX version, grrr)
>Is it possible to install the Classic environment without having to 
>reinstall OSX from scratch?


To install OS 9 after OS X (with no earlier version of OS 9 pre-existing 
on the drive), take a look at these three AppleKnowledgeBase docs:


Randy B. Singer
Co-Author of: The Macintosh Bible (4th, 5th and 6th editions)

Routine OS X Maintenance and Generic Troubleshooting

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