[X4U] Needing help with SAPM relief

Judi Sohn momathome at gmail.com
Tue Oct 5 10:42:17 PDT 2004

On Mon, 04 Oct 2004 13:51:19 -0400, Clifford H. Readout, Jr.
<readout at earthlink.net> wrote:
> Problem 1.: Regardless of the email "rules" I establish, I cannot manage to
> eliminate or reclassify as "junk" emails with "CA" or "from CA" in the
> subject line, or emails from or to or with "Gwen Roberts" in the subject
> line.  Has anyone managed to kill this incessant garbage?  They are nearly
> the only spam which penetrates my defenses, but they seem to have no
> difficulty getting in, en masse!

SpamSieve. http://www.c-command.com/spamsieve/index.shtml

Without a doubt, it's the best and most accurate spam filter for Mac
OS X. It just works, and it works fine with any version of Entourage.

> Problem 2.:  Again, I apologize if this is off topic.  Has anyone else
> noticed a definite sluggishness of Entourage 2004 versus Entourage X?  I
> notice that there is a new, and significant delay when I move emails from
> the inbox to another email folder in Entourage.  Does anyone have a better
> solution than returning to Entourage X?

How big is your database? Have you tried optimizing it (I think it's
done by holding down the option key as you start the application). I
don't know if it will help, but it may make it work a little faster.

Judi Sohn, judi at momathome.com
Mom at Home Design, http://www.momathome.com
AIM: JudiS217

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