[X4U] New iMac Arrives - pics

lists3-200402 lists3-200402 at verizon.net
Fri Oct 8 08:18:26 PDT 2004

Steve Self <steveself at mac.com> wrote:

>Some pics of the arrival of the new 20 inch G5 iMac...
>Whew. About 4 hours later -- lots of app installation, ical/address
>book/mail synching, Dreamweaver site definition wrestling -- and it is
>up and running beautifully. I skipped the automatic transfer from 12
>inch PB when I realized it was going to clone the user from the PB and
>I wanted a new user, a fresh start on the iMac... BUt its done and is
>just as quiet as the Cube was, with its little fan on the video card.

we've been toying around with a 20" for about two weeks (creating a 
master build for a client). it's a nice box...although the 
"letterbox" screen format is a little wierd. can't really get an 
8.5x11 spread (horizontal tabloid) on the screen at actual size. the 
production folks were a little bothered by that.

i was expecting a 2.5" drive but instead found a 3.25" serial ata 
drive. the internal design is awesome. two full size chips easy to 
get to after popping open the back of the case.

it's quiet and nonintrusive. the large white dead area along the 
bottom of the box is a little wierd but the admins like it...gives 
them a place to put their stickies. ;)


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