[X4U] [OT] iPod question

Kirk McElhearn kirklists at wanadoo.fr
Wed Oct 13 11:54:35 PDT 2004

On 10/13/04 8:49 PM, "Hector Luna" <polonius19 at gmail.com> wrote:

> I use PodWorks (http://www.scifihifi.com/podworks/). I rely on iTunes
> for the most part, but my iPod is sync'd w/ my tower at home, and
> somtimes I just want to be able to move some mp3s to and from my
> PowerBook. It works great...

That copies songs _from_ the iPod to your Mac, not the other way...


             Read my blog: Kirkville -- http://www.mcelhearn.com
          Musings, Opinion and Miscellanea, on Macs, iPods and more
      Kirk McElhearn | Chemin de la Lauze | 05600 Guillestre | France 

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