[X4U] Re: X4U Digest, Vol 2, Issue 25

Stephen Lanza slanza at swcomplement.com
Mon Oct 18 04:45:15 PDT 2004

On 10/17/04 2:13 AM, " spoonbender <chronos326 at earthlink.net>" wrote:

> Date: Sat, 16 Oct 2004 20:11:55 -0700
> From: spoonbender <chronos326 at earthlink.net>
> Subject: [X4U] Airport admin utility
> Hi all,
> Having a problem with the 'airport admin utility'. I have a powermac G4
> quicksilver(2002) mac os x 10.3.5 and airport 'snow' basestation w/
> airport software version 3.2 and basestation firmware 4.0.8. I get the
> following error message when clicking the configure button in the admin
> utility. 'The airport admin utility was unable to read the
> configuration of the selected basestation.' Also in smaller print it
> says ' an error occured while reading the configuration'. Im at a loss
> as to what is wrong, and what to do about it. Everyting works perfectly
> except for that. Your thoughts ?
> Thanx much,
> spoonbender...
> Windows Sucks Period

I get this message from time to time and it always means (for me) a hung
basestation (an Airport Extreme Basestation.) I have to unplug it to restart
it and everything is ok after that. I have not been able to tell what is
causing the hang but, for now, it is a workaround.

Stephen Lanza
Software Complement

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