[X4U] OT-Applecare activation question

Michael Elliott michaelelliott at mac.com
Sat Apr 2 22:44:40 PST 2005

Off-topic question, so ignore the thread if you're not interested.

I've got a question for those familiar with AppleCare.

When you purchase the AppleCare retail box for a product such as an 
iBook, I assume that there is a registration process.  Does Apple ask 
for proof of date of purchase of both the AppleCare product and the 
computer it is covering?

For example, I purchase an iBook and an AppleCare for iBook retail box. 
  The iBook has a 1-year warranty.  I never register the AppleCare 
during that time...does the extended warranty still apply (can I 
provide receipts showing when AppleCare was purchased?)

Can someone purchase an AppleCare retail box in anticipation of buying 
a new computer, and wait to purchase the computer later?


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