[X4U] Readiris 9.0 Problem

Arnie Coleman arniecoleman at adelphia.net
Mon Apr 11 18:21:09 PDT 2005

I downloaded the 30 day trial version of Readiris, and I can't make it 

My hardware:

G4 dual 1meg Processor
Epson 2450 Photo Scanner (using TWAIN interface)

The problem:

Everything seems to work fine all the way through initial setup and 
preview scanning of a document.  When I press the "Scan" button, I get 
and "Error -20013" dialog box.  When I click "Okay" to close the box, 
Readiris quits.

Checked the I.R.I.S support website but couldn't find any help there.

Any ideas???


-  Arnie

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