[X4U] Tiger Apr 29th

Jim Freeman jpfreeman at mac.com
Thu Apr 14 07:06:12 PDT 2005


I basically agree with you. I'm a Mac booster just like most people on 
the list. And my posting came right after a thorough reading of the 
Apple's list of new features. I badly want this to be "major". I'm 
addicted to the innovation. But I find that actually most people are 
blindly positive, so I wanted to play devil's advocate and get an 
interesting discussion going.


On 13-Apr-05, at 6:42 PM, Kunga wrote:

> Why does everyone have to be so negative about a fantastic upgrade 
> that YES I DO NEED desperately. I need Automator and I need it NOW. I 
> am having to do a huge amount of repetitive work on my Mac that 
> Automator will free me up from. I also need Spotlight and I need 
> Safari RSS. Is anyone who says that Tiger isn't worth $129 really 
> reading all about it before they start writing? Take the time to read 
> all about it before you start writing about how we never need the next 
> version of OS X. Tiger is MAJOR as was Panther. And it can't come too 
> soon if you really understand what it is.
> k
> On Apr 13, 2005, at 9:20 AM, Jim Freeman wrote:
>> I was more interested in talking about the features. Is the upgrade 
>> worth it? Do we really need those new features?

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