[X4U] sharing itunes library between 2 users in the same computer

Allan Hise allan at hise.org
Wed Apr 20 22:59:16 PDT 2005

On Wed, 20 Apr 2005, Samantha Cornell wrote:

> > hi
> > i'd like to share the itunes library between 2 users on the same
> > computer. how can i do that? all the solutions i've come across seem
> > complicated=85
> >
> You can do this right in iTunes.
> iTunes -> Preferences -> Sharing->share my music (and look for shared)
> If you are both logged on, then you will be able to see each other's
> libraries (or, the one that you use)

This is only a half solution, (unless this has been changed in a
more recent version iTunes than I have tried it) in that you cannot assign
ratings to the shared music, and it doesn't keep track of play count,
date, etc. Plus, you can't add shared songs to your iPod. So, for
listening on your computer, it would work (as long as both users are
logged in).

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