[X4U] Tiger and aliases etc...

keithw keith_w at dslextreme.com
Wed Aug 3 12:19:27 PDT 2005

Eddie Hargreaves wrote:

> Hold down the Command and Option keys while dragging the Network icon.

> On 8/3/05 11:38 AM, Richard Gilmore <rgilmor at uwo.ca> wrote:
>>I was not able to drag the Network icon to the desktop. It said I had
>>insufficient privileges even though I was logged in as the admin. In Panther I
>>am able to this no problem. I like to have to there so I don't have to open a
>>finder window to access other machines on the network. It's not a big deal but
>>I was surprised that I could no longer do this.

Excuse me, please.
I have never heard of nor used a Network icon.
What does THAT represent?

keith whaley

It goes on and on. I'm less experienced than a lot of folks here, but 
I've been messing with Macs since 1986!
Yet, every week I learn something new! sighhh.
There IS no "catching up!" Just staying even is the usual goal!  ;-)

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