[X4U] blank Keyboard & Mouse system preference (10.3.9)

John Baltutis baltwo at san.rr.com
Fri Aug 19 12:17:47 PDT 2005

On 08/19/05, Brian Tully <brian at tullyvision.com> wrote:
> not sure if I did anything to cause this, but all of a sudden my Keyboard &
> Mouse preference pane is a blank window. So I can't adjust my mouse settings
> or Keyboard shortcuts, etc.
> anyone ever seen this and/or know of a fix?
> I've already repaired permissions twice and I've looked everywhere for a
> keyboard or mouse preference file to no avail.
> am I screwed?

Create a new admin user account, log into it, and see if the problem
persists. If not, then something's hosed in the original user's account.
Log back into the original user's account, move
~/Library/Preferences/com.apple.KeyboardViewerServer.plist to the desktop,
and relaunch SysPrefs->Keyboard & Mouse prefpane. If that doesn't work, try
something like Preferential Treatment to check your plist files.

If the problem persists when in the new user account, then reapply the
latest combo updater and recheck.

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