[X4U] Mail

Jim Freeman jpfreeman at mac.com
Mon Aug 22 16:50:05 PDT 2005

Two, slightly off topic comments:

Part of Apple's philosophy is to keep it simple. They decide what  
features you need and what features you don't. It's not about "have  
it your way" complete customizability. There are pros and cons to this.

One feature I'd like to see is the ability to schedule messages. What  
if I want to send an e-mail to a friend for her birthday or if I want  
to drop a bomb on my boss, but I want to wait until the end of the  
workday. In both cases I'm thinking about it now, I want to write the  
message now, but I don't want it delivered until later. Is this  
feature hiding and I just never noticed? Is there a good workaround?  
It seems this was in Eudora when I used it years ago.


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