[X4U] iMovie HD only imports first clip?

Jeff Winchester jeffw at tampabay.rr.com
Sun Dec 4 08:03:09 PST 2005

I have been working with iMovie HD for the past couple of days to  
import several hours of vacation videos from MimiDV on my Sony  
Handycam. Somehow, only the very first clip on the tape is getting  
imported. I'm not talking about everything coming in as one large  
clip. What I'm saying is that if the first clip is a minute and three  
seconds, that's all that imports. The tape keeps playing, but the  
import doesn't seem to happen any longer. I am doing the imports to a  
large external FW800 drive, and it actually spins down after awhile.

Using Magic Movie import works perfectly. However, I have about 4  
hours of video that I'd like to keep in a single iMovie project for  
editing. Currently I am having to do one tape per iMovie project.  
Since I'm importing a whole tape at a time, I'd ideally like to "fire  
and forget" like I can with Magic Movie import.

Does anybody have any idea what may be happening here?

Jeff Winchester
jeffw at tampabay.rr.com

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