[X4U] Setting up Netgear DG834G problem

Glen McKnight glen.mcknight at ntlworld.com
Tue Dec 6 17:00:17 PST 2005

On 6 Dec 2005, at 22:51, Michel Treisman wrote:

> Hi!
>   I have replaced my Speedtouch router with a Netgear DG834G  
> Wireless ADSL Firewall Router, in order that I can get online  
> wirelessly with my AlBook.  And it works. Except for one thing - it  
> works only when the Security Option I choose is  'Disable'.
> The problem  seems to be that the Netgear interface, and internet  
> Connect  (Mac OS X 10.4.3)  don't seem to offer compatible security  
> options.
> Netgear offers three options:
> WEP (Wired equivalent privacy)
> WPA-PSK (Wifi protected access preshared key)
> WPA-802.1x
> And Internet Connect offers:
> WEP Password
> WEP 40/128-bit hex
> WEP 40/128-bit ASCII
> WPA Personal
> WPA Enterprise
> WPA2 Personal
> WPA2 Enterprise
> 802.1x WEP
> I wanted to use WPA and I tried pairing up WPA-PSK from Netgear  
> with WPA Personal from Internet Connect, but the wi-fi connection  
> stops working when I do this, and I have to go back to no security,  
> to get online again.
> Does anyone know what I should be pairing up here?
> Mike

Hello Mike

I had the same problem with the encryption on a wireless network (2  
macs and a pc) it would let one mac on but not the other. So I went  
to Wireless Setup and used the Setup Access List, put in the MAC  
addresses for each machine, and it will only let them connect.

Have Fun


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