[X4U] Repair PB 867

Javier Pedreira (Wicho) wicho at casaciencias.org
Tue Dec 13 08:31:59 PST 2005

Paul Moortgat said on 13/12/2005:

>I could get the Drive 10 CD out and tried 
>DiskWarrior,  Still will not restart, but I 
>can't get the CD out.
>How can I get that CD out?

Try holding the mouse button down for a few seconds after the startup chime.

Take care.

Javier Pedreira "Wicho"                            <wicho at casaciencias.org>
                                                      Tel: +34 981 18 98 40

Museos Científicos Coruñeses (=mc2)          <http://www.casaciencias.org/>
La Coruña, Spain                                            43°23'N 8°24'W

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