[X4U] Two Monitors for my PB?

Nick Scalise nickscalise at cox.net
Thu Dec 15 08:16:36 PST 2005

> From: Jesse Leo <jleo at projectsupport.com>
> Date: 2005/12/15 Thu AM 11:01:36 EST
> To: <x4u at listserver.themacintoshguy.com>
> Subject: [X4U] Two Monitors for my PB?
> Forgive me if this has been covered previously, but I was wondering if there
> is any way to hook up my 15-inch PB to use two external monitors. It 
> as if there is only one monitor port, but there is also what appears to be
> an S-Video jack as well. Would this somehow work if I bought the 
> adapter(s)? If not, is there any other way to get this to work?

I don't think that the S-Video port and DVI port will work simultaneously 
driving separate monitors. Even if it did the S-Video is really not good for 
anything but watching DVD's.

You could put an extra video card in the PCCARD slot.

See villagetronic.com

Nick Scalise
nickscalise at cox.net

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