[X4U] HomePage, dot-Mac

Jim Robertson jamesrob at sonic.net
Sun Dec 18 18:31:41 PST 2005

Last year I managed to do my holiday epistle as a .Mac website. I'm trying
for a new Chapter. The tools say I can create a new site, but I cannot for
the life of me figure out how to keep it separate from last year's site.

I've protected old and new sites with passwords, but the pages of the new
site show up as links on the old site. I'd like to have two totally
different sites.

Anyone have any ideas? I've read the online help, which doesn't seem to help
at all. Last year's epistle was several pages with various links. This year
all I want is a text page containing my holiday letter and a second page
containing a few photographs. It seems that to get the photos into the site
I have to import them into iPhoto (I have version 4). I can select a group
of pictures in the iPhoto library, but I cannot figure out how to modify the
pictures I want to publish (adding two more, for example), other than
scrapping the entire page of selected pictures and re-doing it from scratch
from the iPhoto library.

The biggie, however, is I'd like to be able to have visitors see just this
year's web pages with no links to last year's site. Is that do-able?

Thanks, as always,

Jim Robertson

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