[X4U] hidden files

Brett Conlon brett_conlon at sonymusic.com.au
Wed Feb 9 20:26:09 PST 2005

Hi Richard,

You can use utilities like TinkerTool or SNAX etc. to turn them on/off or 
if you're happy to do it in the Terminal do the following:

To make all files and folders VISIBLE type:
defaults write com.apple.finder AppleShowAllFiles true

To make all files and folders INVISIBLE type:
defaults write com.apple.finder AppleShowAllFiles false
Once done you will either need to force-quit the Finder or "Log Out" then 
back in before you will see the changes.

You can also use the Terminal to Force Quit the Finder by doing the 

To find the Finder process id:
ps ax | grep Finder    [then press Enter]

Then to kill the process:
kill pid    [then press Enter] [pid = the process id number you found 
doing the above]

For example:
Brett:~ brett$ ps ax | grep Finder
  474  ??  S      0:10.38 
  822 std  S+     0:00.00 grep Finder
Brett:~ brett$ kill 349



Richard Gilmore <rgilmor at uwo.ca>

How do you make the Finder show invisible files?

> ctrl-X to exit the program; yes to save it.
> Remember that unless you have the Finder set to show invisible files,
> you won't be able to see it in the finder

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