[X4U] OSX Server Permissions help

PoolMouse poolmouse_nyc at mac.com
Fri Feb 25 11:39:12 PST 2005

Brett Conlon <brett_conlon at sonymusic.com.au> wrote:

>Hi all,
>I'm moving our OS9 AppleShare IP Server over to OSX Server. I'm mostly
>there but have run into an issue.
>I have created all my user and group accounts and I've set up share points
>with relevant group access to the parent partitions but there are specific
>folders within each volume that require different permissions.
>For example, I have a "Base Arts" folder (that houses all our templates)
>and the group CREATIVE has read only permissions but the BASE ARTS EDITORS
>group needs read/write access.
>When I'm inside Workgroup Manager do I set the group to BASE ARTS EDITORS
>with read/write permissions then leave Others to Read Only or is there a
>more appropriate way?
>Also, if I was to set this parent folder called "Base Arts" to Group: BASE
>ARTS EDITORS Read/write and Others: Read Only, how on earth do I set the
>enclosed items to be the same? There is a "copy" button next to "Copy
>these privileges to enclosed items" but it is greyed out. The only other
>way I have been able to adjust permissions on sub folders so far was to
>get Info on the "Base Arts" folder in the Finder and set them there,
>clicking the "Apply to Enclosed Items" button. Unfortunately, the group
>name doesn't get copied but the privilege of Read/Write does.
>I'm concerned I'm gunna mess it up doing it this way but I have to be able
>to change privileges to enclosed items otherwise the editors are not going
>to have read/write access to the folders they need, right?
>Further to this I just discovered that our partition called "DESIGN FILE
>SHARING" (where we do all of our shared work) is set to Group: CREATIVE,
>read/write (as it was set in Workgroup Manager) but all the sub folders
>are group: unknown , Read Only. There are hundreds of files/folders in
>this volume that I need to be able to change all together to the right
>I'm sure I'm going about this the wrong way. Until now this way has worked
>for me under OS9's AppleShare IP server setup.
>Thanks for your help!

how are you handling workstation authentication?


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