[X4U] Re: 10.3.7 and backing up Firewire drives

Preston Kutzner grdnwsl at mrichi.com
Tue Jan 11 07:43:27 PST 2005

On Sunday 09 January 2005 23:31, Randy B.Singer wrote:
> OS X 10.3.7 introduced a large number of FireWire problems for users.
> There is a bunch of discussion about it on the Mac news and repair sites.
> It might just be best to fall back to OS x 10.3.6 and wait to see what
> sort of success folks are having with 10.3.8 when it is released.

Could you possibly post links to some of these sites.  We have a box here that 
we've been waiting to update to 10.3.x due to the original firewire issues 
Apple had with Panther.  I had assumed that the firewire problems would've 
been resolved by this point, but apparently not.  I'd like to get a little 
more information, however, I'm a little unfamiliar with most of the good Mac 
news and repair sites out there.  Thanks.
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