G3 330 Mz Yosemite 750 GB DDR SDRAM G4 1.25 GMz / 1.25 GB DDR SDRAM Mac OS X 10.3.7 Latest version of Toast and Jam. I have placed a question in the Toast support group but no one wants to touch it. Here it is: When I play back my last DVD Music album it has a problem I haven't encountered before. Let's say I am playing one sonata. The DVD player on my computer shows which sonata is playing. When that sonata is finished the next one starts playing - BUT the text/button has NOT been switched to the name of the new sonata - Then a few seconds later the music stops completely, the next button/name of the following piece appears - and then the music resumes. Any idea? I could live with the button/name of song out of sink, but the music stoppage for a few seconds, no way. By the way, I have tried the same DVD on the DVD player attached to the TV and the problem remains. TIA