[X4U] Re: Keytab?

Craig craig at craigwdesigns.com
Thu Jan 20 19:22:13 PST 2005

On Jan 20, 2005, at 5:42 PM, lists3-200402 wrote:

> M.Milligan <railfan at telus.net> wrote:
>> When I used OS9, before I saw the light, there was something called
>> Keytab or ?
>> It was a location you could learn about things like the Euro key, the  
>> ¢
>> key etc.
>> What's the OS X equivalent for this fabulous feature?
>> I thank you all in advance. Cheerio.
>> Murray from Medicine Hat
> apple menu > system preferences > international > input menu >  
> keyboard viewer
> i know...what the heck were they thinking putting it there?!

My sentiments exactly.
They took something that was elegant, simple, and very useful, and they  
made it terribly inconvenient.
Speaking only for myself, I do not happen to need any extra keyboard  
layouts, nor do I want another item filling up my menubar.

Here's what I've done:
make an alias to the file  
Put this anywhere you like, you can bring up the keyboard viewer by  
clicking on it.
One problem: it evidently thinks of itself a a server, not an ordinary  
app. Once you open it, and then close it, it is still running. So  
clicking on your alias will no longer work, until you go into Activity  
Monitor & quit KeyboardViewerServer.
Also beware any "keys" you click on will have their normal effect, in  
whatever is the frontmost application.


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