[X4U] Apple's move to Intel 64 bit?

Ted Burton egburton at cableone.net
Tue Jun 7 13:12:10 PDT 2005

At 11:44 AM -0700 on 6/7/05, John Switlik spoke about Re: [X4U] 
Apple's move to Intel 64 bit? thusly:

>Which was why I asked yesterday if maybe Apple would use the Itanium.

Jobs spoke of the future path as offering wildly superior performance 
per watt, rather than the present. He spoke of the "Leopard" 
operating system that it seems will become available at the time of 
the introduce of Mactel boxes.  He spoke of a year from now for 
introduction and two years from now for completion of transition. Two 
years in chip design and production is a very long time.

Also Jobs is legendary for playing close to the chest. The box he was 
using on stage, an iMac, was running MacOS X 10.4 Tiger on a Pentium 
4. of 3 or 4 point something gHz ...  In short, it was working just 
great, put my little Mac mini to shame for screen drawing.

In short, it is way too soon to say there'd not be 64 width, and I 
wouldn't exclude 128 for that matter <G>.

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