[X4U] Trackpad Scroll

Miche Doherty miche.doherty at gmail.com
Sun Jun 12 14:41:20 PDT 2005

On 12 Jun 2005, at 7:05 pm, eleventhvolume wrote:

> I've finally upgraded to Tiger and am mostly enjoying what I find. One
> downside is that under Panther I was a very happy user of uControl, 
> the app
> that facilitates scrolling using the trackpad and a chosen function 
> key.
> This doesn't work under Tiger and the website makes mention of the
> two-fingered scrolling available with new Powerbooks. I'm using a 
> slightly
> older G4 AlBook which doesn't have this functionality. Is there any 
> way I
> can recapture my much missed trackpad scrolling using the FN key? I've 
> tried
> SideTrack, but I'm having a lot of trouble with the cursor freezing
> momentarily.

I use iScroller2 to add two-finger scrolling to an iBook G4, and I 
believe it works on AlBooks:



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