[X4U] wav files

Miche Doherty miche.doherty at gmail.com
Tue Jun 21 02:40:04 PDT 2005

On 21 Jun 2005, at 9:10 am, Mitchell Senft wrote:

> How can I convert .wav files into mp3s so I can copy them into iTunes 
> and then onto an iPod?

ITunes will do it. In iTunes preferences, choose the Importing pane and 
set your preferred bit rate etc, then add the WAV files to your iTunes 
library (e.g. by choosing Add To Library from the File menu, or by 
dropping the files on the application icon). Select all the files you 
want to convert, and choose Convert Selection To MP3 from the Advanced 

You can convert to AAC in a similar way.


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