[X4U] Old firewire drive

Allan Rube ¹ allan at nhbungalow.com
Thu Mar 3 10:13:47 PST 2005

Thanks Silvo. I did that and it still is not working. I am not sure,
however, if the ac adapter I was using was the one that came with the drive.
I will have to go to Radio Shack with the drive and the a 12volt dc adapter
that fits snuggly.


silvo conticello wrote:

> On 3 Mar 2005, at 14:30, Allan Rube¹ wrote:
>> I have a 400 firewire drive I used to use with my Mac G4 dual 1.25. AS
>> far
>> as I could remember it was plug and play. I don't remember what
>> version of
>> OS X I had when I bought it.
>> I plugged in the drive to ac, plugged in firewire to the cable I
>> usually
>> have my iPod attached to, and turned it on. I cannot get it to show up
>> in
>> the finder, even after rebooting.
> If I remember correctly this was an issue with 10.3.7 (or 10.3.6?).
> I had this problem with a FW400 drive: it was working perfectly with my
> 17'AlBook, but it would not mount on the 1GHz iMac (having the same
> configuration as the AlBook). Upgrading the firmware of the FW drive
> solved the problem completely.
> Silvo

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