[X4U] Re: Defragmentation, was Cause of kernel panics

PoolMouse poolmouse_nyc at mac.com
Fri Mar 18 22:39:23 PST 2005

Randy B.Singer <randy at macattorney.com> wrote:

>  >FIne, but the better fix is to either make more room or get
>>a larger drive.
>Making room by itself may not fix the fragmentation problem.

neither will purchasing a defrag utility. ;) get a bigger drive and 
move on to the bigger issues. the only person benefiting from 
"defragging" is the vendor (micromat, etc.) and the consultants who 
convince their clients they need it.

sorry, despite the micromat tech's ramblings, snake oil will not cure 
the disease. getting a larger drive will.


don montalvo, nyc

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