[X4U] migrating from one computer to another

Nick Scalise nickscalise at mac.com
Sat Mar 19 09:13:52 PST 2005

On Mar 19, 2005, at 12:58 AM, Muckerheide wrote:
>> on 3/17/05 10:35 PM, Nick Scalise at nickscalise at mac.com wrote:


>>  It's called Setup Assistant (sorry, not Migration Assistant) and it
>>  should be in the Utilities directory. But unless you bought 10.3 
>> after
>>  10.3.4 or so, you may not have it. It also started coming installed
>>  with new machines at around the same version.
>>  However, it is only 160k, I might be persuaded to send you mine...
>  --
>  I don’t have it with 10.3.8. Perhaps it only comes with the 
> new-machine version?

Most likely, but I can't be sure.

When you bought the retail version of Panther, was it 10.3.8? Or did 
you have to update to that?
Nick Scalise
nickscalise at mac.com

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