[X4U] Adobe Apps crashing..

Edward Hillenbrand contact at verticaleye.net
Mon Mar 21 10:53:13 PST 2005

On Mar 21, 2005, at 11:07 AM, Tim Kinsella wrote:

> I've trashed every preference/.plist I can find related to Adobe in my 
> Home directories...(since they launch fine under 'testaccount' user, 
> I'm assuming it's an issue in my 'tim' home directory...right?)
> [...]
> Any words of wisdom would be great.

In addition to the Preferences folder, applications store data in the 
"Application Support" folder both are inside your Library folder.  
There should be an Adobe folder inside of there.

I would rename the Adobe folder to something like ~Adobe and then 
launch one of the applications that are crashing.  If it launches 
without incident, trash the renamed folder, otherwise change the name 
back to Adobe.  There is information in that folder you probably don't 
want to delete unless absolutely necessary.

-- Edward

P.S. I want to say hi to everyone on the list.  I just signed up a few 
days ago and this is my first post.

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