[X4U] flush Dock lower left

Edward Hillenbrand contact at verticaleye.net
Tue Mar 22 00:09:22 PST 2005

On Mar 21, 2005, at 10:26 PM, Kansas Territory wrote:

> I used to have installed some 3rd party hack.. that allowed me to 
> flush my dock to the lower left of the screen.. instead of centered at 
> the bottom of the screen.       I'm just wondering if anyone has any 
> suggestions on how to achieve this same affect.. maybe slightly 
> editing a plist file ?    instead of installing a 3rd party hack for 
> this one feature ?

Open a Terminal window and type the following two lines:

defaults write com.apple.dock pinning start
killall Dock

The first line modifies the Dock's plist file.  The second restarts the 
Dock.  Enjoy!

-- Edward

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